1. God loves you — John 3:16
2. You have done wrong things (sinned) — Romans 3:23
3. God says that those wrong things must be punished
— Romans 6:23
4. God sent Jesus to take the punishment for us
— Isaiah 53:5
5. Tell God you are sorry for the wrong things you have done — I John 1:9
6. Ask Jesus to come into your life and be your Savior
— John 3:16-17
Also talk with the child’s parents, informing them of the child’s response and sharing your view of their child’s spiritual development. Encourage the parents to help the child pray, read the Bible, obey God, attend church and Sunday school, and tell others about Jesus. This may be a good opportunity to tell the parents about Jesus.
When presenting the plan of salvation, we recommend that group invitations be avoided for young children due to the “herd” instinct of these children. Rather, talk with the children individually, to determine which children are ready to receive Christ as Savior of their lives. Keep the child in prayer, and trust God to do His work in each child’s life.