Here's one way you can lead your students in group prayer. Collect a number of pictures that have to do with the theme of your lesson. Place the pictures on the floor and talk about each picture. Then ask the children to select one of the pictures they would like to talk to God about.

If the pictures are of nature items, they might want to thank God for all that He has created. If the pictures are of people around the world, they might want to pray for the missionaries ministering in that country. If the pictures are of vocations or activities, the children might want to pray for the people who do what is shown in the pictures. Or they might want to thank God for the people in that vocation.
If you support a child through Compassion International or World Vision, bring pictures of your child or other children in countries around the world. Let each child choose a picture of a child and pray for that child and his or her family. The pictures can help your students think of something (or someone) specific to pray about.
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